10 Amazing Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp

10 Amazing Home Remedies for Itchy Scalp

We are always trying our very best to make our curls look amazing and be strong, but a lot of factors keep us away from our goal. Itchiness and dandruff, for instance, can cause massive hair fall. Despite our tries, they don't go away completely, as they keep coming back with the seasons. But there are a few things one could do to minimize their effect in this season and to reduce their chances of coming back in all the seasons to come.

What Causes Itchy Scalp?

There can be multiple reasons for an itchy scalp. To start any treatment, one must identify the cause of the problem.

1. Contact Dermatitis Or Allergic Reaction

Contact dermatitis happens when certain allergens trigger the immune system. Itchy scalp can happen when the body reacts to an external irritant. The reaction might not even be immediate and can happen after the irritant has built up in the skin for a long time. The allergic reaction can be due to an external pollutant, or an allergen in your shampoo or other products too. Your health issues might also trigger such a reaction, like the case of asthma.

2. Dandruff


Dandruff is probably the most common cause of itchiness of the scalp and is easily treatable. There is a range of natural products that can be used to treat dandruff. Dandruff is caused by a certain yeast called Malassezia, which can grow in virtually all skin types.

3. Dry Scalp

Dry scalp is a very common phenomenon and is caused by less sebum (oil) production by the sebaceous glands on your scalp. When your skin is well hydrated, it helps keep out most allergens and irritants, but a dry scalp is very prone to inflammation and allergies. A range of natural counter-top products and the ‘old-school’ oil massages can help fix the issue by stimulating the right amount of sebum secretion. 

You can also check out ThriveCo's Anti-Dandruff Pre-Shampoo Treatment Serum. It has ingredients like Octopirox, Pentavitin, and Arginine, which keep the scalp healthy, hydrated, and dandruff- & itching-free.

Buy ThriveCo Anti-Dandruff Pre-Shampoo Treatment Serum


Also Read : 10 Amazing Remedies to Get Rid of Dry Scalp

4. Head Lice

Head Lice

Many of us have had this experience at least once in our lives, especially during our school days. Lice are spread by head-to-head contact. They suck on the blood through your scalp, and your scalp’s reaction to their saliva is what causes itching.

5. Product Build-Up

When you use multiple hair-products, especially ones containing silicones, then your itchy scalp might be due to product build-up. When not washed away properly, these products can keep building up, trapping allergens and disrupting the scalp’s ability to shed dead skin cells. This causes the scalp to be inflamed and irritated. Be wary of using such products, and make sure you follow a good hair-care regimen.

6. Ringworms

Tinea Capitis

Ringworms or Tinea Capitis are caused by a fungus called Trichophyton Rubrum. It leaves ring-like patterns on your scalp, hence the name. Ringworms are contagious, and head-to-head contact with a patient can easily cause it. If you detect an infestation, it is best to seek medical help.

Also Read : Ringworm of The Scalp (Tinea Capitis) - Causes, Symptoms And Remedies

Home Remedies For Itchy Scalp

1. Massage With Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil


Few teaspoons of virgin coconut oil

How To Use

Heat the oil a little. Massage properly on the scalp for a couple of minutes before proceeding to cover the hair strands. Let it sit for about 20 minutes and wash off. For more effective treatment, mix some vitamin E oil and leave the mix overnight.

Also Read : 7 Amazing Benefits Of Including Vitamin E Oil In Your Haircare Regime

The Frequency Of Usage

Twice weekly

2. Tea Tree Oil With Carrier Oil


  • Tea tree oil (4-6 drops)
  • Any light carrier oil like coconut, jojoba, olive, argan, etc.

How To Use

Massage the mixture of oils properly on the scalp for a couple of minutes. Leave the oil overnight and rinse the following morning. Tea tree oil is known for its antimicrobial properties that flush out dirt from the pores to keep scalp healthy. The antimicrobial action will help fight any scalp infections or dandruff while conditioning your scalp.

Why don't you check out Anveya Tea Tree Oil? It combats bacteria and various other infections that causes ill health for your skin, hair, nails and overall wellbeing.


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The Frequency Of Usage

Twice or thrice weekly

3. Baking Soda

Baking Soda


  • 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda
  • Water

How To Use

Make a paste of baking soda and water and apply thoroughly on the scalp. After keeping it on for 10-15 minutes, wash away with your regular shampoo. Baking soda helps fight microbes that cause scalp irritation, and also helps balance the pH of the scalp.

The Frequency Of Usage

Once every few days

4. Lemon Juice


  • 2-3 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
  • Ball of cotton

How To Use

Simply dab the cotton ball in the lemon juice and apply all over the scalp, and wash away after 10 minutes. The citric acid present in lemon juice helps kill bacteria and fungus while hydrating the scalp. Beware though, lemon is a bleaching agent and if kept on for a long time can start lightening your hair colour.

The Frequency Of Usage

Twice a week only.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera


Aloe vera leaf

How To Use

Extract the gel from the leaf properly, and apply on the scalp. Let it on for about 15 minutes and wash away with lukewarm water. Aloe vera helps hydrate the scalp and fight infections.

The Frequency Of Usage

Once or twice a week.

6. Egg Hair Mask



How To Use

Crack open 2 eggs and get rid of the yolk. Use the egg white directly on the head. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse with cold water. Follow it up with a mild shampoo. The egg is mostly protein, which helps strengthen our hair follicles which are made of protein (keratin) as well.

The Frequency Of Usage

Twice a week.

7. Yogurt




How To Use

Yogurt can simply be applied on the hair and kept on for 30 minutes. During this time one would probably want to use a shower cap. Yogurt has lactic acid, which is mild but germicidal. It will rid your scalp of dandruff, flakiness and irritation. The fat present in it will make the hair soft. Any fungal infections can also be effectively dealt with due to the anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. All of these properties make yogurt one of the best home remedies for hair.

The Frequency Of Usage

Doing this once a week is enough.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar


  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Water

How To Use

Mix 2 teaspoon apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of water. After shampooing and conditioning, pour this mixture on your hair and let it seep in for a while. Now wash this off with plain cold water. When Apple cider vinegar is used to wash hair, it helps manage the pH level of the hair which is disturbed due to chemical products. It also contains essential nutrients like vitamins B, C and potassium which make hair soft and bouncy.

The Frequency Of Usage

Twice or thrice a week.

9. Neem Oil

Neem Oil


  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 6-8 drops of neem oil

How To Use

Mix the oils and apply thoroughly on the scalp. Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse away with a mild shampoo. Neem can practically help you get rid of all scalp infections due to its highly regarded anti-microbial properties.

The Frequency Of Usage

Twice or thrice a week can greatly help in getting rid of an itchy scalp.

10. Onion Juice



How To Use

  1. Grate an onion and strain it to obtain the juice. Apply it on the scalp and let dry for 30
  2. Minutes. Wash it off with cold water and then use a mild shampoo.
  3. Onions are rich in sulphur and promote hair growth. The anti-bacterial properties of
  4. onion also help to rid the scalp of infections and fungus.

The Frequency Of Usage

Twice or thrice weekly.

Ways To Prevent Itchy Scalp

1. Exercise

Exercising helps keep blood circulation in the body proper. It is necessary for the scalp to have a good circulation to boost hair growth. Also, physical fitness helps fight stress, which is a leading cause of hair fall. Proper sweating also removes toxins from the body.

2. Proper Diet

A healthy diet is single-handedly the most important factor that boosts hair growth. Your diet should be well-balanced, and rich in proteins and vitamins. Iron, zinc, and copper are also very essential for hair growth.

3. Using Hair Masks

Hair masks are very nutritional for the hair. When you keep on a hair mask, it helps the nutrients seep into your scalp. There are many types of masks for different purposes, like the egg mask we mentioned for itchy scalp

Recommended use of hair masks helps hair regain strength and lustre while washing away any irritants from the scalp.

4. Clean Combs Regularly

Combs touch your scalp every day. Therefore it is essential that you keep your comb clean. This helps reduce the chances of infection. You should also avoid using other people’s combs, as this can physically transmit scalp infections.

5. Drink Enough Water

Staying hydrated is a major factor in controlling an itchy scalp. If you’re well hydrated, your scalp will produce the right amount of sebum and not get dry.

6. Avoid Harsh Products

Avoid chemical treatments. Your hair is more sensitive than you might think. Applying heat for straightening, curling, colouring or bleaching your hair, or even heated blow-drying can damage the hair in the long run. There are natural dyes available in the market which can be mixed to obtain the right colour if colouring is your groove. Style your hair all you want, but it should be done in limits. After all, you wouldn’t be able to style your hair if you are left with none.

7. Seek Medical Attention To Continuing Issues

Although these remedies can greatly help with small issues, do not hesitate to visit the friendly, neighbourhood dermatologist. Some issues seem small and trackable but are immune to home remedies. Also, dermatologists can guide you through a healthy lifestyle while catering to your schedule.

When Should You Worry About Scalp Itchiness?

Usually, scalp itchiness is a temporary and curable issue, but one must consider visiting a dermatologist if:

  • Itching is persistent.
  • Products or remedies are bringing no relief.
  • Itching is causing you to lose sleep and is affecting your work.
  • You see nits and lice.
  • If you have red patches or sore spots.




Disclaimer: All the content on www.anveya.com/blogs/top-tips is solely for information. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care provider. The information, suggestion or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.

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