What Are Warts?
Warts, also known as verruca vulgaris is the formation of small bump on skin or mucus membrane. It’s important to wash hand after you touch warts as it can spread from one part to another. It is a contagious condition that can spread with the touch of an infected person or by using the personal care and products of an infected person.
Common Types Of Warts
There are major five types of Warts.
1. Common Warts
Common Warts usually occurs on fingers and toes and are more greyish in colour than the surrounding skin. They have a rough and rounded appearance and often contain small black dots (blood vessels).
2. Flat Warts
Flat Warts commonly occur on the face, arms and thighs. They are small with a flat top. They can be pink, brown or pale yellow in colour. Flat Warts are also known as juvenile Warts as they usually occur in children and young adults.
3. Plantar Warts
Plantar Warts are found in the sole of feet and grow inwards unlike other Warts. Development of plantar Warts can cause pain while walking or standing.
4. Filiform Warts
Filiform Warts grow around the nose or mouth but can develop in neck or chin and have a colour similar to the skin.
5. Periungual Warts
These kinds of Warts are developed under or around the toenail and fingernail. They can cause pain and obstruct nail growth.
Also Read : #WellnessWednesday Beauty Problems Less Spoken About: How to Maintain the Health of Your Toenails
What Causes Warts?
Warts is a viral infection caused by the virus of human papillomavirus family. This virus spreads through direct contact with the infected person or through sharing objects with the same person. The viruses usually enter due to a scratch on the skin. Biting nails can also develop Warts in nails. Not everyone who comes in contact with the virus develops warts, it depends upon the immunity of the person.
How To Remove Warts At Home Naturally?
1. Potato
What You Will Need
One raw potato
What To Do
Peel off the potato and rub it on the warts.
How Often To Do
Do it two times a day.
Why This Works
Acid present in potato juice dehydrates warts and also kills the virus causing it. The wart will get smaller within two to three weeks of regular use of this remedy.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar
What You Will Need
- Apple cider vinegar
- A cotton ball
What To Do
- Soak the cotton ball in apple cider vinegar.
- Place the cotton on warts and leave it overnight.
- Remove it in the morning.
How Often To Do
Do it every day before bedtime for better results.
Why This Works
Acidic acid present in apple cider vinegar destroys the tissue of Warts and helps in healing the condition.
3. Baking Soda
What You Will Need
- 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda
- A bowl of water
What To Do
- Add baking soda to a bowl of water and mix well.
- Soak your feet in the solution for 30 minutes.
How Often To Do
Repeat this remedy daily to get rid of warts.
Why This Works
Baking soda is a great warts removal treatment. It is a caustic agent and also contains antiseptic properties that help in treating and healing warts.
4. Garlic
What You Will Need
A clove of garlic.
What To Do
- Crush the garlic into a paste.
- Apply this paste on the affected area.
- You can also eat the garlic.
How Often To Do
Do it at least one time a day.
Why This Works
Allicin content of garlic contains strong antimicrobial properties that fight against many bacteria, viruses and fungi. It easily kills the virus causing wart and acts as a great natural wart treatment.
5. Tea Tree Oil
What You Will Need
- Few drops of tea tree oil
- 2 tablespoon of water
Also Read : Top 11 Benefits of Tea Tree Oil With its Usage
Why don't you check out Anveya Tea Tree Oil? It combats bacteria and various other infections that causes ill health for your skin, hair, nails and overall wellbeing.
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What To Do
- Make a thinner solution of tea tree oil by adding water in it.
- After diluting it, apply the mixture on the affected part.
How Often To Do
You can use it 5-6 times a day. You can also do it before going to bed.
Why This Works
It works efficiently as tea tree oil have antiviral properties which help in treating the virus that causes warts.
6. Banana Peel
What You Will Need
Banana peel
What To Do
- Rub the banana peel on warts.
- You can also place the peel on warts for some time using a bandage.
How Often To Do
Repeat this remedy two times a day.
Why This Works
Enzymes present in banana helps in healing and rejuvenating warts. It also contains antimicrobial properties that help in treating and healing them.
7. Oregano Oil
What You Will Need
- 1 tablespoon of oregano oil
- 8 drops of coconut oil
What To Do
- Take a bowl, and mix both (oregano oil and coconut oil) in it. After mixing them put the solution in a container.
- Apply the solution on warts and let it dry.
How Often To Do
You can do this 4-5 times a day.
Why This Works
Oregano oil contains carvacol that possess antiviral properties which help in healing warts.
8. Castor Oil
What You Will Need
Castor oil
We recommend adding Castor Oil from Anveya to all your skincare and haircare concerns.

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What To Do
- Apply castor oil on the affected area.
- Leave it to dry.
How Often To Do
You can apply it 3 times a day.
Why This Works
It works because of the antiviral properties in the castor oil, though this process takes a long time to heal, it is really very efficient home remedy.
9. Beetle Juice
What You Will Need
- Beetle juice
- Duct tape
What To Do
- Apply a few drops of beetle juice on the wart and place duct tape over it.
- Let the tape there for 12 hours
How Often To Do
As mentioned in the process, it is clear that the duct tape was placed for 12 hours on the wart, so you can repeat the process after 12 hours.
Why This Works
The effectiveness of beetle juice is high as it kills the skin cells within the wart and originates shedding.
10. Honey
What You Will Need
Raw honey
What To Do
- Apply a thin layer of raw honey on warts and cover it with a bandage.
- Do it again after 24 hours.
How Often To Do
You should repeat it after 24 hours.
Why This Works
With its herbal properties, honey is a well-known remedy for several ailments and problems. Antiviral and antiseptic properties of honey help in killing the virus and also heals the Warts.
11. Aloe Vera
What You Will Need
What To Do
Apply the Aloe vera gel on wart and cover with a bandage.
How Often To Do
Do it two times a day.
Why This Works
Aloe vera acts as an excellent remedy for warts. Its anti-inflammatory properties help in removing warts within weeks.
12. Turmeric Powder
What You Will Need
- Turmeric powder
- Water
What To Do
- Take a vessel and mix turmeric powder and water in it to attain a paste.
- Apply the paste on the wart.
- Let it be there for half an hour.
How Often To Do
You can do it 2 times a day.
Why This Works
Turmeric contains healing properties that act beneficially in getting rid of warts.
13. Duct Tape
What You Will Need
- Duct tape
- Pumice stone
What To Do
- Wrap the affected area with duct tape and leave it until it falls off.
- Then scrub the area with pumice stone to remove the remaining particles of warts.
How Often To Do
Doing it one time will be enough to get rid of warts.
Why This Works
Duct tape prevents the oxygen supply to the area and therefore helps in removing Warts.
14. Neem Oil
What You Will Need
- Neem oil
- Band-aid
What To Do
- Apply Neem oil on the affected area and wrap it with a band-aid.
- Let the band-aid be there for a day.
- Then remove the band-aid.
Also Read : 9 Benefits of Neem Oil for Skin and Hair (Infographic)
How Often To Do
You can do it regularly until warts are healed.
Why This Works
Antiviral properties of neem help in getting rid of warts easily.
15. Thuja Oil
What You Will Need
- Thuja oil
- Band-aid
What To Do
- Apply thuja oil on the affected area and conceal it with a band-aid.
- Let the band-aid be there for a day. After that, peel it off.
- Then repeat the same process as done before.
How Often To Do
You can do it regularly until the time wart gets healed.
Why This Works
Thuja oil is generally used for homoeopathic wart treatments and is efficient in healing warts.
Disclaimer: All the content on anveya.com/blogs is solely for information. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care provider. The information, suggestion or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.