7 Benefits of Patchouli Oil

7 Benefits of Patchouli Oil (Infographic)

Patchouli oil is most commonly used in aromatherapy to lift depression and anxiety, as well as to encourage romance and spark arousal. It is also used to treat insomnia. Patchouli oil comes from the Asian tropical herb Pogostemoncablin plant. It is extracted from the leaves and flowers of the plant. Unlike other essential oils, patchouli oil gets better as it ages, its color darkening and its scent becoming smoother and richer.

Among the various patchouli oil uses is its ability to regulate hormones, thereby boosting your immune and nervous system. It can reduce fever, as well as prevent cold and treat joint pains due to inflammation. Its astringent properties tighten skin and prevent hair loss. Another use of this strong-smelling oil is treating dandruff, oily scalp and acne.

The strong aroma of patchouli oil is also effective in keeping away bugs, mosquitoes, fleas and various insects. The scent is also used to combat body odor. See the infographic below for more benefits of patchouli oil.

7 Benefits of Patchouli Oil




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