Do you feel that your curls sometimes behave in an unruly manner, becoming quite difficult to manage? Following the CGM (curly girl method) is an excellent way to tame your dry, frizzy curls, but its only disadvantage is that you have to go through a lot of steps. Most of us feel too lazy to follow all the rules and steps of CGM. Moreover, time is also a crucial factor. So here we are with a shortened version of the curly girl method. For all those lazy girls who want to have a relaxed weekend and not want to spend too much time taming those pesky curls, yet want to have well-defined, well-hydrated, and well-nourished curls.
Lazy Girl’s Guide To Refreshing Curls
This is a lazy girl’s guide to maintaining soft, well-defined, bouncy, and structured curls. We have cut short the curly girl method eliminating the steps which are not required, to make your hair care regime hassle-free.
Also Read : Roadmap To The Curly-Girl-Method For Dummies
Before choosing a hair care product you should be aware of your hair type and hair care needs. Are your curls in need of moisture or protein? An adequate supply of moisture improves the elasticity of your hair. Protein adds strength to your curls and promotes hair growth. To maintain healthy curls you need to strike the right balance between moisture and protein; for that, it is important that you CGM-proof haircare products.
1. Lazy Girls Washing Method
Long-form of Co-Washing is conditioner only washing, in which you will be using cleansing conditioners for washing your hair instead of shampooing. Use botanical cleansing conditioners are they are free from harmful chemicals, gentle on your scalp and hair. You get both the benefits of cleansing and conditioning your hair with one single wash.
Apply the cleansing conditioner on your wet hair and with the help of your fingertips make your way towards the scalp. Massage the conditioner gently on your scalp. Leave it for 5 minutes and wash off thoroughly with water. You can use a clarifying shampoo once a month to get rid of product buildup.
Deep Conditioning
Curly hair is more prone to dryness and frizz, requiring more hydration. You can apply a deep conditioner to seal the moisture in your curls making them look soft, glossy and bouncy. You need not apply a deep conditioner every time you co-wash your hair, once a week is sufficient.
Take a generous amount of the product in your hand, apply it on the strands focusing at the tip of your strand as it is more prone to dryness. Wear a shower cap and let it rest for 20-30 minutes. Meanwhile, you can continue with your other chores. After 30 minutes wash off with cold water.
Dry Shampoo
If you are feeling too lazy to wash your hair and then apply a deep conditioner, simply skip both steps. In such a scenario a dry shampoo is obviously your best bet. Use dry shampoo and revive your curls with a curl refreshing spray and scrunch. This method instantly adds life to your curls, giving you well-defined curls.
Also Read : Best Wash Day Tips To Get Pristine, Healthy Curls!
2. Lazy Girl Styling Method
Styling plays a vital role in managing your curls. Each one likes to style their curls in a different manner, some like to style their hair using a mousse, some like hair gels while some people prefer using hair creams. The best way to make the optimum use of these styling products is to apply them to wet hair. Rinse off co-wash and deep conditioner thoroughly from your hair and apply the styling product on your wet/damp hair by taking some product in your hand and running your fingers through your hair for even application. Let your styling cream/mousse glide through your hair from the root to the tip.
Hold your curls from the tip and scrunch them into a ball so as to give them structure. Squeeze your curls gently and repeat this process several times.
3. Lazy Girl Method Of Drying Your Curls
Don’t rub your bath towel vigorously on your hair as the friction can cause hair breakage. Instead, use the plopping method to dry your curls. This helps to dry your hair without damaging the curls. You can dry your hair once you have co-washed and applied your styling products. All you need is a cotton T-shirt or microfiber towel. Flip your hair in the front and wrap your hair using a cotton T-shirt. Leave it for 15-20 minutes, remove the T-shirt and re-apply your styling product if required.
Use A Hair Diffuser
If you are running short of time, then the best method is to use a hairdryer with a diffuser. Alternate the setting between low and medium to protect your curls from heat damage.
Simply Let Your Curls Air Dry
On a lazy Sunday, if you don’t want to get into too much hustle-bustle, then air drying is the best option. Divide your tight curls into 4 sections and make Bantu Knots before hitting the hay. Your hair will dry overnight.
Also Read : Ace The Game Of Perfectly Drying Your Curls!
4. Refreshing Your Curls
What about the days when you are not washing your hair and don’t want to use dry shampoo either? You can still give structure and definition to your curls, letting them bounce back to life on the days in between washing. Take water and leave-in conditioner in equal quantities in a spray bottle, mix it well and moist your curls with this mix and then scrunch. Use any of your styling products, it really helps to have well-defined, glossy, vibrant curls. This way you can instantly refresh your curls.

Hope this article on lazy girl’s method to revive, refresh and rejuvenate the curls was helpful to you. Embrace your curls and you will be in love with them.
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