Female Receding Hairlines: Causes, Prevention, And Treatment

Receding Hairlines in Female: Causes, Prevention, And Treatment

There can be a variety of internal and external causes leading to hair loss in women. Therefore, it is imperative to diagnose and treat the root cause to curb hair fall.

Male pattern baldness is commonly spoken about, however, female pattern baldness is a subject seldom discussed. There can be a variety of internal and external causes leading to hair loss in women. Therefore, it is imperative to diagnose and treat the root cause to curb hair fall.

What Is Receding Hairline In Women?

Hair fall is the main cause of receding hairline in women. This happens when hair around the temples starts to thin out or stop growing altogether. Receding of the hairline is a condition that can affect women as well, although it's more common in men.

It is normal to lose 50-100 hair strands per day, which are replaced by new hair. But when the hair regrowth doesn't take place in the frontal line, it is known as female pattern baldness. Receding hairline is a term that refers to the thinning of hair around the edges of the face and above the forehead.

What Are The Causes Of Hairline Receding In Women? 

Many factors contribute to female hair loss. The most common are genetics, stress, pregnancy, and other medical conditions. We will be elucidating on the hair fall reasons in females.

1. Genetics 

Not only men but females also inherit pattern baldness from their parents. While hair loss due to genetics is more common in middle-aged women, it can also happen earlier. Many women experience hair loss after menopause. Hormonal changes can also contribute to hair loss.

2. Pregnancy 

The body goes through a lot of hormonal changes during pregnancy and after delivery. This can be a contributing factor to hair loss. Hair loss due to pregnancy can be restored to normal within a few months, with proper care.

3. Stress 

Stress and tension can lead to hair loss, specifically thinning of the hair. This is caused due to the hair follicles going into a dormant phase and no new growth of hair takes place in that area. Continued stress for a long period time can affect the normal functioning of the hair growth cycle resulting in bald patches. Hair loss caused by stress is temporary and gets resolved over time.

Also Read : Stress-Induced Hair Loss? Here's What You Need To Do!

4. Other Medical Conditions 

Long-term illness and certain medical conditions such as alopecia areata and traction alopecia are other common hair fall reasons in females.

Receding Hairline Treatment

The treatment for receding hairline depends on the extent of hair loss. Experts recommend the following treatments based on the degree of hair loss.


Ban the fall


• Reduces hair loss in women
• Strengthens hair from the roots up
• Increases multiplication of hair follicles
• Soothes the scalp promoting denser hair

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1. OTC Medication 

Redensyl or minoxidil are the most popular OTC medicine for receding hairlines. Minoxidil is applied topically to the scalp at night. It has been shown to increase hair growth in just a few weeks. Apart from minoxidil, finasteride, corticosteroids, and anthralin are the other prescription medicines prescribed by doctors for controlling hair loss and stimulating hair growth.

2. Hair Transplant 

Hair transplantation is the process of moving hair from the back to the front. Implanted hair looks fuller. Talk to your dermatologist about the potential risks. Although hair transplantation may be costly, it can provide a permanent solution to receding hairlines.

3. Laser Treatment 

In laser therapy, the light of the laser signals the cells to move into the anagen phase. It is a painless process, but you may need to attend several sitting to get the desired result.

How Can You Prevent Receding Hair Line In Females? 

If the receding hairline in females is genetic, then it is not always preventable. But these home remedies for hair fall and regrowth can be beneficial in promoting hair growth and preventing hair loss.

1. Eat Right, Eat Healthy 

For the growth of healthy, long, luscious mane, make sure that you include all vital nutrients such as vitamins, proteins and minerals in the correct quantity in your diet. These nutrients fortify the hair follicles, stimulating hair growth and adding strength to the hair.

2. Controlling Stress 

Hair loss can be controlled by regular exercise and reduced stress level. Hair loss is often caused by anxiety and stress. Any kind of mental shock can cause hair to fall out or stop growing.

3. Massage And Oiling 

Following healthy haircare, habits can help reduce hair fall. Regular hair massage and oiling help to keep your scalp well-nourished and well-moisturized. Brushing your hair daily is crucial for improving blood circulation and stimulating hair growth. Regular trims can also be beneficial.

Also Read : Hot Oil Massage for Hair - Benefits and How To Do

4. Minimize The Use Of Hair Styling Tools 

Styling tools can cause damage to your hair, making it dry, brittle, and frizzy. Dry and frizzy hair can be a significant reason for hair breakage and hair thinning.

Dry hair is fragile and more prone to breakage. Thus care must be taken to keep your hair and scalp well-hydrated and well-nourished for maintaining healthy and voluminous hair. You can apply a nourishing hair mask once a week to supply your scalp to ensure hair health. Try these effective home remedies for hair fall and regrowth to prevent a receding hairline. Although hair loss due to receding hairline cannot be reversed, the above-mentioned treatment and prevention methods can slow down the process.

Also Read : 

Facing Hair Loss Try Herbs For Improving Hair Growth And Thickness




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