Till now you have known green tea as a hot beverage which is considered to be loaded with health benefits. It is considered to be an incredible drink for weight loss and increases body’s immune power. This is because Green tea is considered to be the powerhouse of antioxidants which readily fight free radicals, protecting cells and molecules from further damage. Green Tea is known to produce bioflavonoids which prevent bacterial infection and has EGCG which is the most powerful compound in Green Tea and all the health benefits of Green Tea are attributed to this powerful antioxidant EGCG. These are few health benefits of Green Tea which are known to everyone, but you may be amazed to know that apart from health benefits Green Tea is loaded with beauty benefits as well. In this article, we are going to discuss how beneficial is Green Tea for enhancing the beauty of your hair. Keep reading to have complete knowledge about Green Tea extracts beauty benefits for your hair.
Also Read : Ingredients In Depth - Green Tea Extract
What Is Green Tea?
Green Tea is derived from the fresh leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis which is sundried to give a distinct flavour to your tea and prevents oxidation and fermentation. Green Tea is known to be the powerhouse of antioxidants and rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes due to which it is considered to be beneficial for your health. These antioxidants come from flavonols particularly known as catechin. Because of the antioxidant properties of Green Tea, its extract is used extensively to treat various health and beauty conditions.
Also Read : Interesting Benefits of Green Tea Oil for Skin, Hair & Health
Your hair has to go through a lot of wear and tear on a daily basis which makes your hair dull, dry and damaged. Hence it is very important that you take out few minutes of your time from your busy schedule to take care of your hair. I am sure you will be looking for some fortifying hair tonic which will cure all your hair woes. One such beauty ingredient is Green Tea Extract which helps to protect your hair from environmental aggressor as well as damaged caused due to excessive use of hair styling tools. Here we are going to elucidate on the benefits of Green Tea extract for a healthy scalp and hair.
How Does Green Tea Work On Your Hair
Green Tea is loaded with power-packed nutrients which are beneficial for your hair and scalp. It is rich in antioxidants, essential vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B3, C and E, Zinc, Selenium, Chromium, manganese and amino acids such as lignan, thiamine, butyric acid all of which are required for a healthy scalp and improved hair condition. Green Tea is rich in catechin which is known to reduce DTH (dihydrotestosterone) responsible for hair loss. Its anti-inflammatory property helps to soothe the itchy and irritated scalp, thus preventing dandruff. Polyphenol found in Green Tea is known to fortify the roots and hair follicles thereby stimulating hair growth. Flavonoids, another most beneficial compound found in Green Tea exhibits powerful antioxidant and anticarcinogenic properties. Let’s have a detailed look at the benefits of Green Tea Extract for your hair.
Benefits Of Green Tea Extract For Your Hair
The idea of using Green Tea to solve all your hair problems did sound a bit unconvincing, but it has been proven that Green Tea extract has the potential ingredients which are required to keep your hair problems at bay. You can now flaunt your thick, vibrant and bouncy strands which you have been longing for. Green Tea extract can be a one-stop solution to all your hair problems. Let’s look into the benefits of Green Tea for your hair and scalp.
1. Stimulates Hair Growth
EGCG is one of the main constituents of Green Tea which is known to promote hair growth by stimulating the hair follicles and protects the cells, tissues of the hair from the damage caused by free radicals.
2. Prevents Hair Loss
The natural cycle of hair is divided into 3 phases
- Androgen (Growth Phase)
- Catagen (Transition Phase)
- Telogen (Hair Loss)
During the process of hair loss, there is a change in the natural cycle of hair and there is a prolonged telogen phase. Testosterone and Dihydrotestosterone are the 2 hormones which are known to disrupt the androgen phase and increase the telogen phase i.e hair loss. Green Tea is loaded with the benefits of EGCG which is known to inhibit the effect of these 2 hormones on your hair, thereby preventing hair loss.
3. Has The Beneficial Properties Of Vitamin B

Green Tea is loaded with the beneficial properties of Vitamin B also called as panthenol, is known to prevent hair fall and reduce split ends, making your hair soft, smooth and easily manageable.
Now you are well aware of the benefits of Green Tea on your hair and scalp. It promotes hair growth, prevents split ends and controls hair fall, prevents dandruff, thereby improving the condition of your hair and scalp.
4. Improves Nutrient Delivery
Hair grows on the skin and receives its nourishment from the blood supply with fortifies the hair follicles with nutrients which promote the growth of hair. Green Tea extracts are known to increase the blood circulation which in turn facilitates the supply of oxygen and other nutrients to the roots which nourish the scalp, strands and promote the growth of healthy hair.
Also Read : Top 12 Healthy Food For Natural Hair Growth
5. Acts As A Stress Buster
Stress, tension, anxiety and lack of sleep take a toll on your health as well as on your hair. Just like your body, your hair also becomes weak and tends to break off leading to hair fall and hair thinning. But thanks to the antioxidant properties of Green Tea as it acts as a scavenger and hunts down the free radicals which are responsible for hair fall and hair loss. Green Tea is a hot beverage which is known to act as a stress buster as it uplifts your mood and helps you get rid of stress and anxiety.
6. Protects The Scalp From Fungal And Bacterial Infection

The antimicrobial property of Green Tea helps to keep bacterial and fungal infections at bay. Excessive use of hair care products or other skin conditions can give rise to bacterial and fungal infections which can deteriorate the scalp condition leading to hair fall. Regular rinse with Green Tea extract is known to be very effective in keeping various kind of skin infections at bay.
7. Possesses Anti-Inflammatory Property
The anti-inflammatory property of Green Tea promotes healthy scalp as it helps to soothe the itchy and irritated scalp. The dry, itchy and irritated scalp can lead to dandruff and hair fall. Green Tea extract helps to get rid of dry and itchy scalp, thereby improving the condition of the scalp and promoting the growth of hair.
8. Promotes Blood Circulation
Green Tea is rich in antioxidants which are known to fight free radicals that cause an obstruction in the normal flow of blood, thus promoting blood circulation throughout your body. The improved blood circulation in scalp helps to nourish the hair follicles thereby improving the condition of your hair.
How To Use Green Tea Extract To Improve The Condition Of Your Scalp/Hair
Now that you are aware of the beneficial properties of Green Tea in controlling hair loss, promoting growth of hair, improving the texture of your hair and the overall condition of your scalp. Try to inculcate the habit of introducing Green Tea in your daily routine as it is beneficial to your health, hair and skin as well. Let’s have a look at the different ways in which Green Tea can be incorporated in your daily routine to improve the condition of your scalp and hair.
1. Sipping In Green Tea
One of the simplest and easiest way to introduce Green Tea in your daily routine is by brewing Green tea and sipping it daily twice a day. Consistency is the key to the success of any product. With the regular use of it you will notice the change in the condition of your hair.
2. Hair Rinsing With Green Tea
Another most effective way of introducing Green Tea for improving the condition of your hair is by rinsing your hair with Green Tea extract. Rinsing your hair with the extract of green tea can improve your scalp condition and promote hair growth. After you wash your hair, rinse it with Green Tea extract and within the first few uses you will definitely notice change in the texture and appearance of your hair.
DIY Green Tea Extract For Hair Rinsing
- 3 Tablespoons of Green Tea
- ½ Litre of water
- Put 3 tablespoons of Green Tea in warm water and leave it for 10-15 minutes.
- Wash your hair with a herbal shampoo and then use this green tea extract for final rinse.
- Massage this extract thoroughly all over your scalp and hair. Let it remain for 10 minutes and then wash off with cool water.
For best results, use this Green Tea extract twice or thrice a week for a couple of months.
Using Hair Care Products With Green Tea Extracts Infused In It
As Green Tea is loaded with myriad health and beauty benefits and in order to utilize its beauty benefits many hair care brands are coming up with the extract of Green Tea infused in it such as shampoos and conditioners which enhance the beauty of your hair and improve the scalp condition. You can switch over to herbal or ayurvedic shampoos and conditioners which are enriched with green tea extracts instead of using the conventional shampoos which are harsh on your hair and which tend to damage your hair follicles in the long run.
DIY Green Tea Hair Mask
At home, you can try a DIY hair mask of Green Tea which is known to be very effective in treating various scalp and hair issues.
- 1 Egg
- 2-3 tablespoons of Green Tea
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- ½ cup of henna
- Add Green Tea leaves to the egg and blend it well.
- To this mixture add 1 tablespoon of honey and ½ a cup of henna.
- Apply this mixture all over your scalp and hair.
- Let it rest for 30 minutes before washing off with cold water.
- Do this once or twice a week for better results.
- All the above-mentioned ingredients are beneficial for the growth of hair and in improving the texture of your hair.
Side Effects Of Green Tea
All good things in life come with their own baggage of side effects and Green Tea is also no exception. Green tea should not be consumed more than twice a day as it is known to cause acidity and stomach irritation in some people. Green Tea, if taken in excess can cause insomnia due to the presence of caffeine
Pregnant women and nursing mothers should consult a doctor before consuming it. It is also known to interfere with other medications, hence it is always recommended that you consult a doctor if you have any severe health condition and are on medication.
Disclaimer: All the content on anveya.com/blogs is solely for information. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care provider. The information, suggestion or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.