Editor Speaks: Rosehip Oil, The Beauty Elixirs Celebrities Swear By

Editor Speaks: Rosehip Oil, The Beauty Elixir Celebrities Swear By

Find out why celebrities and models swear by this incredible oil. Is rosehip oil worth the hype?

Let’s just get it out in the open that rosehip oil was one of the best-kept beauty secrets of celebrities, and lucky for us, it has been unveiled in the recent past. Cold-pressed rosehip oil is the beauty elixir most of us have been waiting for. If you, too, want to make this amazing skin-friendly viscous liquid a permanent part of your skincare regime, then read right ahead!

The beauty benefits of natural oils like argan oil, almond oil, olive oil, and jojoba oil are well known to many. More recently, rosehip oil has been sweeping the beauty industry off its feet. Many celebrities and estheticians attribute their flawless skin to Rosehip Oil and refer to it as the “queen of all-natural oils” because of its wonderful skincare properties.

Rosehip oil benefits are aplenty. It is excellent for the skin because it contains different fatty acids and Vitamin A, which has age-defying benefits. Adding it to your daily skincare regime can make the skin elastic, resilient to dry weather conditions, and delay the formation of lines as wrinkles. Let's see how this skin oil can benefit us in various ways.

What Is Rosehip Oil? 

Contrary to its name, Rosehip oil is not derived from roses but rather from Rosa Canina bush, one of the most commonly found plants in Chile. Also known as rosehip seed oil, the medicinal and cosmetic benefits of this lubricant have been known since antiquity. Ancient Mayans, Egyptians, and indigenous Americans used it for its recuperation and nourishing properties. Rosehip Oil is thought to be the powerhouse of anti-oxidants which attributes to its anti-ageing benefits. The high level of essential fatty acids such as omega-3, omega-6, omega-9 aids in cell regeneration and boosts collagen and elastin production. Because it is rich in essential fatty acids it helps improve the skin's barrier function.

Rosehip Oil shows powerful anti-fungal, antimicrobial, and antiviral properties, which attributes to its healing properties. It can be directly applied to the skin or used as a carrier oil for diluting essential oil. Let’s explore some rosehip oil benefits for your skin.


Rosehip oil
  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids in the Rosehip oil NOURISH THE SKIN & PROMOTE A YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE
  • Discourages WRINKLES & FINE LINES.
  • Anti-oxidant properties improve DRY & DAMAGED HAIR.
  • Keep LIPS & NAILS healthy

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Also Read : Benefits of Rosehip Oil for Skincare

Rosehip Oil Benefits For Skin 

Rosehip oil is the most sought-after natural oil because of its myriad skincare benefits. This mild carrier oil can be used effectively on all skin types. It is rich in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and vitamins, due to which it acts as an elixir for your skin. It helps defy early signs of ageing while giving a natural radiance to your skin. Rosehip serum benefits can be effectively utilized for enhancing the texture and appearance of your skin. Let’s elucidate the skincare benefits of rosehip oil.

1. Keeps Your Skin Hydrated 

Rosehip Oil is rich in linoleic acid and linolenic acid, which keeps your skin well-hydrated. Being lightweight, it easily penetrates deep into the layers of the skin, hydrating it from deep within.

2. Exhibits Anti-Ageing Property 

Collagen is essential for maintaining the structure of your skin. It makes your skin firm and tight by improving its elasticity. Rosehip oil is known to reduce the production of MMP-1, an enzyme that is responsible for destroying collagen and elastin.

Also Read : The Ultimate Anti-Ageing Oil-Rosehip Oil

3. Exhibits Healing Property 

Due to its high concentration of Vitamin A, B, C, and K, rosehip oil is effective in healing the damaged skin cells, boosting cell regeneration.

4. Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells 

Rosehip oil is abundant in Vitamin A and C, thus enhancing cell regrowth which eventually helps in getting rid of the dead skin cells. Exfoliation of dead skin cells reveals a bright and clear complexion.

5. Reduces Inflammation 

The high concentration of Vitamin E (a powerful antioxidant) in rosehip oil helps in reducing inflammation. Moreover, it is rich in polyphenols and anthocyanin which reduces skin inflammation and dry skin conditions such as psoriasis, rosacea, dermatitis

6. Protecting Your Skin Sunlight Damage 

Vitamins A, C, and E in rosehip oil act as effective antioxidants. Exposure to sunlight can cause the formation of free radicals which damage your skin cells. These antioxidants fight free radicals, preventing sun damage and reducing the appearance of early signs of ageing.

7. Brightens your Skin 

Rosehip serums are used for their anti-ageing and skin-brightening benefits. Rosehip serum benefits are many. It is rich in carotenoids that help to tighten your skin and brighten, giving you a more youthful appearance.

8. Enhances Immunity 

Rosehip Oil is rich in polyunsaturated fats such as linoleic acid and antioxidants which is known to prevent the breakdown of the cell membrane, thus adding strength and longevity to the cell membrane. This helps protect your skin against infections and outbreaks.

9. Reduces Hyperpigmentation 

Exposure to UV rays can damage the skin, resulting in hyperpigmentation. Rosehip oil is known to reduce hyperpigmentation as well as dark spots. It rich Vitamin A content has retinol as the main constituent. Retinols are known to reduce dark spots and hyperpigmentation. Rosehip Oil is rich in lycopene and beta carotene are known for its skin lightening property. Therefore, it helps in flaunting a luminous visage.

10. Fights Acne 

Rosehip oil exhibits anti-inflammatory as well as anti-microbial properties due to which it effectively fights acne. As a result of its light and low comedogenicity, it has anti-acne properties.

How To Use Rosehip Oil In Your Daily Skincare Routine? 

There are various ways of including rosehip oil in your daily skincare routine. As per a renowned skincare expert, rosehip oil can treat various skin concerns and can be used twice a day in the morning, after your cleansing, skin toning session is over and at night before going to bed. You can include rosehip oil in your daily skincare regime for healthy, radiant and younger-looking skin. Here’s how you can use it:

Take a few drops of Rosehip Oil in your palm, warm it by rubbing between the palm and apply it on your face and neck in a circular motion. Follow it up with a moisturizer. You can use a rosehip serum twice a day on a regular basis for better results.

Alternatively, you can add a few drops of rosehip oil to your regular moisturizer and apply it regularly. For treating acne, add a few drops of tea tree oil to it, mix well and apply on the affected area. With regular use you can see a reduction in acne.

Rosehip oil can be the next best thing to happen to your skin, incorporate it in your skincare routine and you will be surprised at how it can bring about a new glow to your countenance. Be sure to use a good quality cold-pressed oil, to see the benefits. Like all things natural, Rosehip oil too takes time to show results, so use it religiously and your will definitely fall in love with the results it yields for your skin.

Also Read : 12 Incredible Benefits of Rosehip Oil For Skin




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