10 Effective Home Remedies for Skin Tags

10 Effective Home Remedies for Skin Tags

Skin tags can be annoying and irritating at times. They are generally painless and harmless. But beauty conscious people may look at it as a skin deformity and want to get rid of it. If you are among those people then read further to know ways to get rid of these unwanted skin tags off your skin. Home remedies are often safe and you don’t have to worry about the side effects.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are small benign growths that are usually found within the folds of your skin such as neck, armpits, breast and groin etc. These skin tags are actually a lump of collagen fibres that hang off the skin and remain attached to the skin with the help of a thin stalk called peduncle and is usually found in between the folds of thick skin. Skin tags are somewhat similar to warts which are painless. Skin tags are usually found in older people through skin tags are also seen among youngsters. These are brown or skin coloured outgrowths which are irregular in size.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tag generally appears in between the skin folds where the skin rubs against each other such as armpit, neck, thighs, under the breast or groin. Therefore it is commonly seen in obese people and people who have type 2 diabetes. Due to hormonal changes, pregnant women may also develop skin tags.

How To Remove Skin Tags At Home?

You can always go for home remedies instead of trying OTC chemicals which may irritate your skin. Why not try some of these home remedies which are cost effective and safe on skin.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

What You Will Need

  • 2 drops of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Cotton Ball
  • Duct Tape

What To Do

Take few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar on a cotton ball. Place the cotton ball on the skin tag and fix it with duct tape. Leave it overnight.

How Often To Do

Daily until the skin tag dries and falls off

Why This Works

The acidity of vinegar dries the skin tag and ultimately it falls off.

2. Tea Tree Oil

What You Will Need

  • 2-3 drops Tea Tree Oil
  • 2-3 drops of Coconut Oil
  • Q- Tip

What To Do

Take a few drops of  Anveya Tea Tree Oil and apply on the skin tag directly with the help of Q-tip. Applying with Q-tip is helpful as the oil won’t come into contact with the skin around the tag. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. Alternatively, if you have sensitive skin, to be on a safer side you can dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil and then apply on the skin tag. But doing so may extend the treatment time.

Also Read : Top 11 Benefits of Tea Tree Oil With its Usage


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How Often To Do

Repeat this process 2-3 times a day. Do it regularly until the tag falls off.

Why This Works

Tea Tree Oil helps in shedding the skin tag by drying it up. It’s antibacterial action prevents any skin infection once the tag has fallen off.

3. Oil Of Oregano

Oregano Oil

What You Will Need

  • 2 drops of Oregano Oil
  • 5 drops of Coconut Oil
  • Cotton

What To Do

Mix Oregano Oil and Coconut Oil and apply on the tag with the help of a cotton ball. Leave it to dry.

How Often To Do

Daily 2-3 times until skin tag falls off

Why This Works

Oregano Oil is known for its antibacterial and antifungal property and it is helpful in treating many skin ailments including skin tags. With regular application, it helps to dry the skin tag and ultimately falls off.

4. Manuka Honey

What You Will Need

  • Manuka Honey
  • Cotton

What To Do

Soak a cotton ball in honey and apply it on the skin tag and secure it with duct tape. Leave it for a few hours.

How Often To Do

Daily 2-3 times

Why This Works

Manuka Honey is a non-peroxide type of honey which helps the skin tag to dry off by restricting the supply of oxygen. The antibacterial property of honey prevents any skin infection once the skin tag has fallen off.

5. Garlic


What You Will Need

1-2 cloves of garlic

What To Do

Crush the garlic cloves to make a smooth paste and apply this on the skin tag. Cover it with a band-aid and leave it for 1 hour.

How Often To Do

Twice a day

Why This Works

The active enzymes present in garlic work on the skin tag and dry it, which then sheds off the skin.

6. Iodine

What You Will Need

  • 2-3 drops of Liquid Iodine
  • Q tip

What To Do

Apply liquid iodine directly on the skin tag with the help of Q tip. Avoid its contact with the surrounding area of the tag. You can apply coconut oil on the skin surrounding the tag.

How Often To Do

Daily 2 times

Why This Works

Iodine helps to break down the skin cells, thus helping the skin tag to fall off easily.

7. Baking Soda And Castor Oil

Castor Oil

What You Will Need

  • ½ teaspoon of Baking Soda
  • 2 drops of Castor Oil

What To Do

Mix both the ingredients to make a smooth paste. Apply this mixture of skin tag and cover it a band-aid. Leave it for 2-3 hours. Wash off with water and pat dry.

How Often To Do

Daily until the skin tag sheds off

Why This Works

Castor Oil and baking soda absorb the extra moisture from the skin tag and it eventually dries and falls off.

Also Read : Castor Oil And Its Incredible Beauty Benefits

8. Banana Peel

What You Will Need

Banana peel

What To Do

Cut a small piece of the banana peel and rub it (white fibrous side) on the skin tag and leave the peel for 1 hour.

How Often To Do

Twice daily until the tag falls off

Why This Works

The active enzymes and acids found in the banana peel help to dry off the tag and ultimately it sheds off.

9. Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil

What You Will Need

2-3 drops of coconut oil

What To Do

Apply coconut oil on the skin tags and leave it overnight.

How Often To Do

Daily until the tag sheds off

Why This Works

The lauric acid and alpha-tocopherol found in coconut oil help to shed off the skin tag. You can apply coconut oil on your face and neck to get rid of the skin tag on your face.

10. Clove Oil

What You Will Need

What To Do

Mix clove oil and rosehip oil and apply on the skin tag with the help of cotton ball. Leave it overnight and wash off in the morning.

How Often To Do

Daily until the tag falls off

Why This Works

The active phytochemicals found in clove oil restricts the blood circulation to skin tag causing it to dry and eventually falls off. Rosehip oil helps to heal the skin without leaving any scars.

All these natural remedies are not instant. It takes a few weeks or even a couple of months time to completely get rid of skin tags. If while trying any of these remedies your skin irritates or pains, immediately discontinue.




Disclaimer: All the content on www.anveya.com/blogs/top-tips is solely for information. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or a qualified health care provider. The information, suggestion or remedies mentioned on this site are provided without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied.

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