20 Impressive Benefits of Nutmeg for Skin, Hair and Health

20 Impressive Benefits of Nutmeg for Skin, Hair and Health

10 Causes and 15 Home Remedies for Toothache Reading 20 Impressive Benefits of Nutmeg for Skin, Hair and Health 10 minutes Next 10 Powerful Home Remedies For Muscle Cramps

Nutritional Value Of Nutmeg

Nutrition value as per 100 g of ground Nutmeg


Total Fat




Dietary Fiber




36 g

16 mg

350 mg

49 g

21 g

28 g

6 g

Benefits Of Nutmeg For Skin

1. Helps With Hyperpigmentation

Helps With Hyperpigmentation

Nutmeg combats hyperpigmentation and discoloration caused on the skin due to hormonal changes in the body, aging, medication, exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, etc. There can be several other reasons for hyperpigmentation as well. Melanin present in the skin darkens and causes dark spots, uneven skin tone, discoloration around lips and forehead. You can use nutmeg to counter the effect by adding it to your face masks, scrubs or even by consuming it directly through mouth. Combine it with lemon juice for effective results.

Also Read : Skin Pigmentation (Hyperpigmentation) - Causes, Home Remedies and Tips

2. Helps With Exfoliation

Nutmeg has tiny scruffy particles filled with antioxidants and natural nutrients which help in exfoliating the skin. It extracts the layers of dead skin cells on the face, remove blackheads and whiteheads, release clogged pores and combat acne. It leaves the skin smooth, soft and supple. It removes the accumulated oil, dirt and grime on the face. It reduces the pores, blemishes, acne scarring and dark spots on the face. Make a face mask of nutmeg using honey, baking soda, clove oil and lemon juice. Combine all the ingredients together into a paste and apply a layer all over the face.

3. Helps With Skin Toning

Helps With Skin Toning

Nutmeg helps in preventing discoloration of skin. It clears any form of texture - raised bumps, blemishes, dark spots, acne scars, dark circles, etc. It evens out the complexion of the skin throughout the face. It balances the moisture content of the skin and helps in repairing any damaged skin cells. It makes the skin smooth and supple. Nutmeg combats dryness and skin infections. It adds glow to the face and makes it look youthful and bright. You can combine nutmeg with coconut milk and apply it over the face for evening out the skin tone.

You can also check out ThriveCo 10% Vitamin C Serum. It minimizes dark spots and dullness, boosts collagen production, and provides instant brightness.

Buy ThriveCo 10% Vitamin C Serum + Hyaluronic Acid Serum


4. Helps With Oily Skin

Nutmeg gets deep into the pores of the skin and extracts the excess oil that is causing problem on the face. Excess production of natural oils, also known as sebum, is responsible for development of pimples, blemishes, whiteheads, blackheads, clogged pores, ingrown hair, hyperpigmentation, acne scarring and discoloration. Nutmeg gets to the root of the cause by stimulating decreased production of sebum which balance the level of natural oils on the face. Nutmeg also exfoliates and cleanses the oil off the face without removing the moisture content. It leaves the skin smooth and supple. You can treat the face with honey and nutmeg face mask to reduce and regulate the levels of natural oils on the face.

5. Helps With Aging

Helps With Aging

Nutmeg delays the signs of premature aging. Nutmeg has antioxidants which helps in increasing the production of collagen. Collagen is a muscle protein which stimulates growth of skin cells. Nutmeg helps in improving the elasticity of skin. It delays the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, dark circles, crow’s feet and other signs of aging. You can create an anti-aging face pack at home using nutmeg, yogurt and honey. Apply it all over the face and leave it on for 30 minutes. Do this 3-4 times a week for effective results.

Benefits Of Nutmeg For Hair

1. Helps With Hair Fall

Helps With Hair Fall

Nutmeg strengthens the hair follicles by providing antioxidants which benefit and stimulate hair growth. Nutmeg has high content of magnesium, calcium, vitamin B-6, iron and vitamin C which nourish the skin from hair roots to the tips of the hair. It regulates blood circulation to the scalp which reduces hair fall. You make a hair mask of nutmeg using yogurt and honey. Apply it to the hair root and massage it into the scalp for 5 minutes to regulate blood circulation. Was the hair mask after an hour using a mild shampoo. Repeat this recipe 3 times a week for reduces hair fall and strong hair.

You can also check out ThriveCo Hair Serum 2.0. It is India's first clinically proven hair growth serum. It contains key ingredients such as REGENDIL™ (Redensyl, AnaGain, Procapil, Capilia Longa) and 5 kDa hyaluronic acid, which reduces hair fall and increases hair growth in 8 weeks.

Buy ThirveCo Hair Growth Serum 2.0


2. Helps With Dullness

Nutmeg provides shine to the hair. It adds lustre and restores the moisture content to the hair making it look smooth and shiny. It provides texture to the limp and stringy hair by uplifting and adding volume to the hair. You can apply nutmeg to the hair by adding it to hair oils like - coconut oil, olive oil or argan oil. Massage the mixture into the scalp for 5 minute. Leave it on for 30 minutes to an hour before washing it off using a mild shampoo.

3. Helps With Oily Hair

Helps With Oily Hair

Nutmeg exfoliates the dead skin cells and extracts the impurities accumulated on the scalp. It extracts the excess oil which clogs the pores of the scalp. Nutmeg balances the level of natural oils on the scalp. Oily scalp is the reason for stringy and sticky hair. It gives rise to scalp infections like eczema, fungus, dandruff, etc. Apply a nutmeg hair mask by combining it with yogurt and lemon juice. The citrus helps in removing excess oil from the scalp.

4. Helps With Scalp Infections

Nutmeg combats oily hair and excess sebum produced on the scalp which is mainly responsible for the growth of fungus and bacteria. Oily hair causes patchy, scaly skin, it increases itching and accumulation of dirt on the hair. Nutmeg exfoliates and extracts all the impurities which attract bacteria. Nutmeg reduces scalp infection as it has anti-inflammatory properties. It soothes and calms broken skin. Combine nutmeg with aloe vera and apply it over the scalp for best results.

5. Helps With Dandruff

Helps With Dandruff

Nutmeg acts as a cleaning and exfoliating agent. Besides combating excess oil, it removes accumulated dandruff from the scalp. It acts against the bacteria responsible for the growth of dandruff. It cleanses dandruff off the scalp and prevents further accumulation in the future. Apply a nutmeg hair mask for dandruff using yogurt and lemon juice for effectively extracting dandruff from the scalp.

Also Read : Effective Home Remedies & Tips For Dandruff Control

Health Benefits Of Nutmeg

1. Helps With Cancer Prevention

Cancer Prevention

Nutmeg has antioxidants which prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the body. Studies have shown that use nutmeg delays the formation of blood vessels responsible for giving rise to tumors. It prevent colon cancer and pancreatic cancer. You should consume nutmeg daily with milk or honey for effectively preventing growth of cancer.

2. Helps With Diabetes Treatment

Nutmeg maintains the glucose levels in the body. It has triterpenes compounds which are anti-diabetic in nature. It reduces high blood sugar levels which are responsible for giving rise to other severe diseases. High blood sugar level also lead to obesity and high blood pressure levels which can result in heart disease. If you suffer from diabetes, consume a tablespoon of nutmeg powder with black pepper daily for effective diabetes treatment.

3. Helps With Joint Pain

Joint Pain

Nutmeg has anti-inflammatory properties which help in treating chronic muscle and joint pain. Nutmeg has a high content of magnesium which gets absorbed quickly into the skin. Magnesium is known to reduce muscle ache. It soothes and calms the muscles and joints. You can apply nutmeg by combining it with cayenne pepper for a hot pepper rub to reduce muscle pain. Nutmeg also helps in treating pain associated with arthritis.

4. Helps With Digestion

Nutmeg helps in regulating the movement of food from the esophagus to the intestines. It helps in easy digestion and absorption of nutrients and minerals. It reduces problems associated with digestion such as constipation, diarrhea, bloating, gas. Nutmeg also contains fiber which helps with easy bowel movements.

5. Helps With Insomnia


Nutmeg has calming effects on the mind. It helps in inducing sleep when consumed an hour before sleep. Nutmeg helps in de-stressing the mind and calming the senses which helps in improving the quality of sleep. It reduces disturbances and prolongs sleep. Nutmeg has a sedative quality which calms the mind and treats insomnia. Just add a pinch of nutmeg to warm glass of milk and consume it before bedtime.

6. Helps With High Cholesterol

The magnesium levels present in the nutmeg acts as catalyst in reducing high cholesterol in the body. It breaks down the levels of cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart diseases, obesity, stroke and brain disease. Add nutmeg to a warm glass of milk and consume it daily to reduce cholesterol and risks associated with heart disease.

7. Helps With Maintaining Dental Health

Dental Health

Nutmeg has antibacterial properties which cleanses the mouth of bacteria. It protects the teeth and gums from cavities, toothache, tooth decay, yellowing of teeth and bad breath. Nutmeg has magnesium and antioxidants which help in maintaining the dental and oral health by strengthening the teeth.

Also Read : 15 Helpful Home Remedies for Bad Breath

8. Helps With Weight Loss

Nutmeg has high levels of fiber which makes the stomach feel full faster. It reduces appetite, helps easy digestion of food and bowel movements. Consuming nutmeg before bedtime induces sleep faster and reduces the chances of binging before bedtime.

9. Helps With Stress


Nutmeg has soothing and calming properties which helps de-stressing and dealing with anxiety. Nutmeg is a known anxiogenic and antidepressant which naturally reduces anxiety and depression. It stimulates the function of brain and boosts brain activity. Nutmeg has dopamine and serotonin which helps boosting the mood and transmitting messages to the brain.

10. Helps With Urinary Inconsistency

Studies have shown that nutmeg helps in treating urinary inconsistency. Combine a pinch of nutmeg and warm milk. Drink the mixture before bedtime to regulate the function of kidneys and the urinary tract.




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