How To Dilute Tea Tree Oil For Acne-Free Skin?

How To Dilute Tea Tree Oil For Acne-Free Skin?

Has acne become a significant concern? Are you concerned about acne scarring that doesn't disappear with time? Acne scarring isn't just a problem for you. Around 80 percent of the population suffers from acne at one time or another.

Teenagers commonly suffer from this skin concern because of hormonal changes. It is a time when the body is going through many changes, such as puberty. This is when hormones trigger oil production, which can lead to acne. Other reasons for acne are hygiene, diet, stress, and genetics.

No matter the reason, acne can cause anxiety. Many medications that are used to treat it often have side effects. The next question you might ask is, can we treat acne naturally? The answer is Tea Tree Essential Oil.

Tea tree oil is well known for its beneficial properties, effectively curing many skin concerns. This natural ingredient can treat many skin and hair concerns, such as acne, pimple, hair fall, dandruff, etc.

What Is Tea Tree Oil?

What Is Tea Tree Oil?

Melaleuca Alternifolia is an Australian tree whose leaves are distilled to make Tea Tree Essential Oil. This oil has excellent anti-fungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory properties, proving to be an effective acne treatment.

This light yellow-colored essential oil has a woody, fresh, camphor-like fragrance, which refreshes and energizes your mind and body, thus securing a prominent place in aromatherapy.

Also Read : Top 10 Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil For Health

How Does Tea Tree Oil Work On Acne?

Acne develops when the skin's pores get clogged with dirt, dust, sebum, and bacteria. The clogged pores can lead to bacterial infection, resulting in breakouts. Due to the anti-microbial property of tea tree oil, it is considered effective in acne treatment. Tea tree oil is commonly used in many skincare products formulated for treating acne. It has natural antibacterial properties that kill bacteria slowly and more gently than other oils. Its anti-inflammatory property has a soothing action on itchy, inflamed skin. It alleviates swelling, redness, and rashes, due to which it is safe for topical application, even for people with sensitive skin. Here's what tea tree oil does on acne:

1. Attacks The Bacteria Responsible For Causing Acne

The antibacterial property of tea tree oil is due to the presence of a component - terpinen-4-of, which is considered more effective than benzoyl peroxide ( a chemical ingredient commonly found in many anti-acne creams). It fights acne-causing bacteria, inhibits its growth, and repairs damaged skin. Its antiseptic property accelerates the healing process of the skin.

2. Regulates Sebum Production

Many people suffer from acne because of excess sebum production, which gets clogged inside the skin's pores. Tea tree oil controls excess sebum production and reduces the size of the pores.

3. Cleanse The Pores Of Your Skin

Tea tree oil combines with your skin's natural oil and penetrates deep inside the pores, cleansing your skin from deep within, thus reducing the chances of developing acne and pimples due to clogged pores. Why don't you check out Anveya's 24k Gold Goodbye Acne Kit. It comes with a cleanser and serum containing Azelaic Acid, Niacinamide, Tea tree oil, and other ingredients immensely effective in fighting acne.

4. Moisturizes Your Skin

Tea tree oil's moisturizing property has a soothing effect on itchy and inflamed skin. Carrier oil such as almond oil, jojoba, or olive oil is used to dilute tea tree oil, which helps nourish and moisturize dry skin.

There are downsides to it as well. Tea tree oil can irritate the skin if it is not diluted properly. It can irritate dry, clean skin as it is quite potent. Don't worry; as long as you dilute it with a proper carrier oil before applying it, it will be fine.

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Acne?

How To Use Tea Tree Oil For Acne?

You know how effectively tea tree oil can combat acne; now, it is essential to use it correctly for your skin. It is not advisable to use tea tree oil directly. Instead, it would help if you mixed it with a carrier oil, then applied it to the affected areas. Tea tree oil doesn't cause side effects when applied moderately on the skin. However, if it is used in high concentrations, it can be irritating.

Do a patch test on your skin before you use it for acne treatment. If it does not cause irritation or redness, you can continue with the tea tree oil DIY acne treatment. For people with sensitive skin, you can dilute it until it isn't irritating your skin. Always use pure, natural, organic tea tree oil to get the desired result. We recommend using Anveya's Tea Tree Oil for the best result as it is 100% pure natural. Let's explore the best ways to dilute tea tree oil for oil.

Also Read : Tea Tree Oil For Acne Benefits,Uses And More


Tea Tree Oil
  • Works on ACNE, SCARS & PIGMENTATION due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Application in treating SKIN, NAIL & TOE INFECTIONS
  • Great for HAIR. Fights against DANDRUFF with its antifungal properties
  • Diffuse for fresh & CLEAN HOME

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1. Dilute Tea Tree Oil With Carrier Oil

We can use Tea Tree Oil after diluting it with carrier oils such as Almond Oil, Jojoba Oil, or Coconut Oil. Blend one to two drops of tea tree essential oil with a teaspoon of your chosen oil for your career. Combining coconut oil with tea tree oil creates a magical combination that effectively treats acne, redness, and rashes.

2. Dilute Tea Tree Oil With Honey

Dilute tea tree oil with honey and apply it to the affected area. Honey has anti-inflammatory properties, due to which it has a soothing action on acne. The antibacterial property of honey is beneficial in treating acne and brightens your skin, reducing acne scars and blemishes.

3. Dilute Tea Tree Oil With Aloe Vera

The healing properties of aloe vera are well known. Tea tree oil and aloe vera work together to treat acne for people with sensitive skin. You can scoop out the gel from a freshly cut aloe leaf and add 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. Mix well and apply on your face and neck before going to bed. Next morning wash your face with lukewarm water.

4. Adding Tea Tree Oil To Your Moisturizer

Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular moisturizer can be beneficial in controlling acne on different parts of the body. Tea tree oil's antibacterial and antiseptic property unclogs the pores and prevents acne from recurring.

5. Adding Tea Tree Oil To Bath Water

This method is recommended for anyone suffering from acne on the chest, back, or other areas.

It would help if you mix a few drops of tea tree oil in hot water or a bathtub. This will reduce congestion and enhance your bathing experience. This can be used once weekly, as excessive use can lead to side effects.

Tea tree oil can be a great addition to your regular skincare regime if you want clean and clear skin. You can include any of the methods mentioned above in your regular skincare regime to enjoy the skincare benefits of tea tree oil.

Also Read : 10 Incredible Essential Oils For Bath




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