
Orange Oil for Skin - Benefits and Side Effects

What Is Orange Essential Oil?

Orange essential oil is obtained from the glands of the orange peel by various methods that include steam distillation, cold compression and solvent extraction. The seamless consistency of the oil along with its unique citrus essence and strong uplifting aroma adds a distinctive identity to it. This essential oil serves a variety of purposes and has exceptional health benefits. A little oil goes a long way and can be used to treat and prevent a number of skin and hair disorders. The sweet orange essential oil contains a high level of limonene, a naturally occurring chemical that acts as an effective anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal and anticancer agent.

Also Read : Orange Essential Oil Benefits, Uses & Recipe

You can check out Anveya's Brazilian Orange Essential oil relieves inflammation and uplifts your mood. This sweet citrus blend extracted from fresh orange peels has a cleansing and anti-ageing effect on your skin.


Anveya Orange Essential Oil
  • Great for SKIN, FACE & ACNE
  • Hair Health: Prevents CLOGGED PORES or the formation of fungal infections.
  • Mood-Lifting AROMATHERAPY: Enjoy the fresh, citrusy aroma

View Product ▸

What Are the Skin Benefits of Orange Oil?


1. Acne Fighter

The antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties of orange essential oil help to effectively treat acne and pimples. Using sweet orange oil for skin breakouts is highly recommended as a little oil provides soothing relief to red, painful skin eruptions naturally. Adding orange oil to any homemade face pack will not only help to heal acne but will also restrict the cause of its formation. For overnight acne treatment, you can simply mix a drop or two of orange essential oil with a teaspoon of aloe vera gel and dab a thick layer of the mixture on your acne or apply it to your acne-prone area.

2. Controls Oil

Due to the boosting properties of orange oil, it acts as a tonic and ensures that particular organs and glands secrete the appropriate amounts of hormones and enzymes. This is specifically significant in respect to the production of sebum. Overproduction of sebum by the sebaceous glands leads to oily skin and greasy scalp. Orange oil helps to reduce the secretion of excess sebum and maintains your skin’s natural oil balance. Prepare a quick orange facial toner for everyday use by adding 5-6 drops of orange essential oil to a cup of distilled water. Shake well and use this solution evenly on your clean face. Follow it up with a water-based moisturizer to get rid of oily skin.

3. Reduces Dark Spots

The use of sweet orange oil for skin pigmentation is highly beneficial as the oil is a rich source of vitamin C. It acts as a natural means to treat scars, blemishes and dark spots so that you get clear, even-toned skin without the use of chemical compounds. Prepare an easy face mask with honey and orange essential oil to reduce sun tan and hyperpigmentation. Also, you can use homemade orange oil scrub to get rid of damaged skin cells and add a healthy glow to your skin. With continuous use, you will notice that your dark spots and blemishes have gradually faded, improving the overall texture of your skin.

Also Read : 10 Effective Essential Oils For Pigmentation

4. Anti-ageing

Orange essential oil is perhaps one of the most effective remedies when it comes to treating the symptoms of premature skin ageing. With age, your skin tries to lose elasticity that makes way for wrinkles and fine lines. The abundance of antioxidant compounds in orange oil prevents and reduces signs of ageing by fighting off free radicals and boosting collagen production. Rather than opting for expensive anti-ageing skin treatments, use orange oil face masks twice a week to improve skin cell regeneration and reduce the appearance of sunspots and age spots. This will not only help you to achieve a youthful skin but also provide hydration to your skin cells.

As orange essential oil is a rich source of vitamin C, you can also use a vitamin C serum. We suggest you check out ThriveCo 10% Vitamin C Serum. It will help you minimize dark spots, dull and ageing skin, and get instant brightness.

Buy ThriveCo 10% Vitamin C Serum + Hyaluronic Acid Serum


5. Improves Blood Circulation to Skin

Massaging your skin with diluted sweet orange helps to promote blood flow. Proper blood circulation delivers essential nutrients to your skin cells that keep them active and healthy. As a result, your skin feels rejuvenated and fresh for a longer period of time as well as protects itself from radical damage. Using orange oil on the skin acts as a circulation booster that facilitates the growth of skin cells by replacing old, damaged cells with new ones. Moreover, due to the presence of monoterpenes, the use of orange oil for skin cancer prevention is highly acknowledged all around the globe.

6. Reduces Large Pores

Large open pores on your face are a sign of unhealthy skin and can make way for various skin problems like blackheads and acne. There are a number of home remedies to minimize enlarged pores but very few provide long term results. The astringent properties in the orange essential oil help to naturally shrink your skin pores and restore your skin's suppleness and elasticity. A decrease in the appearance of enlarged pores will tighten your skin and improve your complexion. Prepare a DIY facial toner with orange oil to get rid of open pores permanently and say goodbye to dull, aged skin.

How to Prepare Orange Oil?


Orange essential oil is easily available in stores or even on various online shopping platforms. But, did you know this multipurpose oil can be prepared at home using a couple of very simple ingredients too! All you need is few oranges and some grain alcohol, say vodka. Vodka works best due to its tasteless and odorless nature as it doesn’t dilute or overwhelm the essence of the orange in the finished oil. In order to extract orange oil, you need the peels rather than the fruit itself. The peels of citrus fruits contain limonene, a chemical that provides a wide range of benefits.

First, you need to cut the peel from the orange. You can also use a zester to grind off the peels. Avoid using any of the pith as it can add bitterness to the solution. Put the removed peels in direct sunlight until they turn completely dry. Next, grind the dried orange peels to get a coarse texture and add enough warm grain alcohol so that it covers the ground orange peels completely. Shake the mixture and let it to sit for 3-4 days. Finally, strain the oil from the mixture to get your homemade orange essential oil.

How to Use Orange Oil for Skin?

  • You can add a few drops of the oil to your moisturizer, serum or lotion.
  • You can topically apply orange oil on the skin after diluting it with any carrier oil.
  • Prepare a DIY face mask using orange oil to boost your skin health.
  • You can also mix the oil to a warm bath or add it to your body wash.
  • Orange oil can be used to exfoliate your skin, when combined with raw sugar.
  • The oil can be mixed with shea butter and used as a hydrating lip balm.
  • You can make homemade facial toner with orange oil.
  • Sweet orange oil can be used as a skin-friendly natural perfume.
  • Orange oil for skin care is also brilliant for facial steaming.

Precautionary Tips

  • Perform a patch test before using the oil as it can lead to allergies if your skin is sensitive to it.
  • Never apply undiluted sweet orange essential oil on the skin. Refer to dilution guidelines for essential oils or follow recipes from reputed expert sources.
  • Consult your doctor before using oil if you are suffering from severe or chronic health disorders.
  • The sweet orange essential oil is for external use only.
  • Sweet orange essential oil is photo-toxic in nature. Therefore, never expose your skin to sunlight after applying the oil.
  • Do not use oil during pregnancy or if breastfeeding.
  • Avoid direct contact with your eyes, ears and mucous membranes.
  • Keep the oil away from the reach of children and pets.
  • In case you're under severe medical issues or medical care, avoiding using orange essential oil.
  • It is recommended to refrigerate homemade orange oil due to its short shelf life.

Also Read : Precautions and Side Effects of Orange Essential Oil

In addition to its benefits for skin, learn more about all the other uses and benefits of orange essential oil. Orange oil is also known for its sweet mood-lifting aroma, and hence orange oil is widely used in essential oils based aromatherapy.




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