Waxing Or Shaving, Which One To Choose?

Waxing Or Shaving, Which One To Choose?

Most people find it difficult to choose between waxing and shaving, as both hair removal techniques have their pros and cons. While there is no right or wrong way of doing things, there is a reason why more people are shifting to shaving, as it is a more convenient and less time-consuming method of hair removal. In this blog, we will discuss both waxing and shaving, their pros and cons, and which one of the two is better.

Waxing Vs. Shaving 

Waxing or shaving, which is good for the skin? This question can lead to a never-ending debate. The waxing process involves the removal of hair from its follicles by mechanical means. In this process, warm or cold wax is used to remove hair efficiently. The cold wax is heated and applied to the skin with a spatula. A strip is placed on the wet wax and pulled off in the direction opposite to hair growth.

In shaving, the hair is removed from the skin’s surface using a razor blade in shaving. This process is quite convenient as you only need a razor and a shaving cream. There are a wide variety of razors are available in the market, disposable razors, electric razors, and straight-edge razors are to name a few.

Is Waxing Better Than Shaving For Hair Removal? 

Apart from individual preferences, the hair removal method you choose will depend on the area of your body from which you want to remove hair. Most women prefer shaving their underarms and pubic area because it is painless and less fussy.

Benefits Of Waxing Vs. Shaving

Both waxing and shaving are popular hair removal techniques. Let's elucidate the benefits of both waxing and shaving.


  1. The procedure removes hair strands from their roots. Thus the hair regrowth takes place only after a couple of weeks.
  2. Waxing helps get rid of dead skin cells, making your skin soft, smooth, and vibrant.
  3. Unlike razors, waxing, if done with proper care, doesn't cause skin inflammation.
  4. Because there is no use of sharp tools, such as blades, women prefer waxing as it reduces the risk of cuts.
  5. Waxing exfoliates and removes the upper layer of the skin, revealing bright, clear skin underneath. Your skin appears more radiant after waxing.


  1. Shaving exfoliates your skin, removing the dead skin cells from the skin’s surface.
  2. Shaving is fast and easy, especially beneficial for people with time constraints.
  3. It is a painless method of hair removal.
  4. It is cost-effective as compared to waxing because you only need a razor and a lubricating cream
  5. Unlike waxing, you don't have to worry about any allergic reaction on the skin, as no pulling or peeling is required for hair removal.

Side Effects Of Waxing Vs. Shaving 

Various factors such as your skin type and thickness of the hair should be considered while choosing the hair removal method. Otherwise, it can result in red, itchy, and irritated skin. Let's discuss the side effects of waxing Vs. shaving.


  1. In waxing, the hair is removed from the roots. Hence it can be a painful process. The intensity of pain varies from person to person.
  2. Waxing can cause redness, and irritation, especially for people with sensitive skin.
  3. Waxing can also lead to breakout and pimples. Open hair follicles are more prone to bacterial infections. The absence of pre and post-waxing hygiene practices could lead to pimples and breakouts.
  4. Waxing pulls hair from its root, but occasionally it isn't possible to remove it completely, breaking off hair in between, leaving a small portion in its place resulting in an ingrown hair strand.
  5. There is a risk of burning your skin as the wax used is extremely hot while applying to the skin
  6. Waxing exfoliates your skin, leaving the topmost layer o more sensitive to sun rays, resulting in hyperpigmentation.

Also Read : Skin Pigmentation (Hyperpigmentation) - Causes, Home Remedies and Tips


  1. Minor cuts and bruises are common while shaving.
  2. Razor burns may occur if you do not lubricate your skin properly before shaving.
  3. Frequent shaving can darken your skin by stimulating melanocytes, which are responsible for melanin production. Melanin gives color to your skin, and excess melanin production can result in dark skin.
  4. There are chances of skin inflammation due to using a pre-used razor. Constant friction between hair follicles and clothes can lead to inflamed skin.

Pre & Post Waxing Tips 

Avoid waxing if you notice any cuts or burns on the area where you want to wax. The process of waxing requires skill and experience, so begin with a professional or someone with experience to guide you through it. Pay attention to the temperature while warming the wax to avoid burning your skin. For best results, you should consider going to the salon for your first few waxing sessions.

​Avoid any form of tedious exercise as it can cause bacterial infection. Don't apply any skincare product immediately after waxing as your skin becomes extra sensitive. Do not exfoliate your skin at least 3-4 days after waxing.

Pre & Post Shaving Tips 

Be patient when shaving; apply a lubricant such as a creamy soap or shaving cream, before working with the razor. Do not shave dry. Always use a shaving cream or a gel before shaving. It is good to shave after a shower. Make sure you wait until the end of the shower so that your skin becomes soft and all the pores have opened up.

Make sure to use moisturizers after shaving if your skin is sensitive. To avoid ingrown hair, you should never shave in the opposite direction of the hair growth; instead, shave in the direction your hair grows.

How Long Does Waxing Or Shaving Last? 

Waxing lasts for 2-4 weeks as the hair is removed from the roots, you will notice hair regrowth in 2-3 days after shaving because only the visible part of the hair is removed

Take Away 

Waxing and shaving are 2 different methods of hair removal. In waxing, hair is removed from its roots, whereas only the visible part of the hair is removed in shaving. Both the methods have their pros and cons. Choosing is totally up to you based on your time availability, pain tolerance, and skin sensitivity. Now that you know all the pros and cons of both hair removal methods, choose wisely which works best for you.

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