Essential Oils For Toothache and Oral Health

10 Effective Essential Oils For Toothache and Oral Health

Toothache is a common problem which is faced by people of all age groups. There are a few essential oils which are very beneficial for treating various tooth and gum related problems.

How Essential Oils Help With Tooth Pain And Oral Health?

Essential Oil helps to maintain good oral hygiene and provides oral health care by reducing swelling and inflammation, fighting bacteria that cause tooth decay, relieving pain and reducing plaque and tartar and fighting bad breath.

Also Read : 15 Helpful Home Remedies for Bad Breath

10 Best Essential Oils For Toothache And Oral Health

1. Clove Essential Oil

Clove Essential Oil

Brief Description

Clove Oil is extracted from the dried bud of the clove plant. It has got a sweet, spicy and a warm fragrance. It blends well with Bergamot, Clary Sage, Grapefruit, Lavender, Basil, Orange, Lemon, Rosemary, Rose Oil and Ylang-Ylang.


Clove Oil is known for its antiseptic and analgesic property due to the presence of chemical compound eugenol, which helps to relieve pain. Clove Oil has a numbing effect which helps to ease discomfort and pain due to toothache.

How To Use

You can simply dab Clove Oil on the affected area OR dilute Clove Oil with coconut oil and apply for immediate relief from toothache and swelling of gums.

Are There Any Side Effects

Clove Oil should be used with care as it is highly potent. Clove Oil contains eugenol which is blood thinner and interferes with the blood clotting process.

Also Read : Side Effects of Clove Oil - Need to Know

You can also check out Anveya Clove Oil. It is widely used to relieve toothache and bad breath. Effectively tackles Skin, dental and other infections, and also helps you to combat acne. 


Clove Oil
  • Widely used to relieve TOOTHACHE & BAD BREATH
  • Use for skincare, especially to fight against ACNE
  • Anti-aging effects by reducing the appearance of WRINKLES & SAGGING SKIN
  • Hair health fights FUNGAL INFECTIONS

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2. Cinnamon Essential Oil

Brief Description

Cinnamon Oil is extracted from the inner bark, twig by steam distillation of Cinnamomum zeylanicum. It has got a spicy, warm and musky fragrance. It blends well with clove, cardamom, ginger, grapefruit, lavender, frankincense, thyme and rosemary.


Cinnamon Oil is very beneficial for oral care as it contains menthol which acts as a mouth freshener. Its antimicrobial property helps to treat gum diseases like gingivitis, oral thrush and helps prevent tooth decay.

How To Use

Take a glass of water and add a few drops of cinnamon oil to it and use it as a mouth freshener and for good oral health.

Are There Any Side Effects

Cinnamon Oil contains eugenol and cinnamaldehyde which can cause irritation in the mucous membrane. High dose of Cinnamon Oil is known to cause convulsion. It should be totally avoided during pregnancy.

3. Peppermint Essential Oil

 Peppermint Essential Oil

Brief Description

Peppermint Oil is extracted from the plant Mentha piperita by steam distillation method. It has got a sharp and fresh fragrance similar to menthol which is quite refreshing and rejuvenating. It blends well with Rosemary, Lemon, Lavender, Marjoram and Eucalyptus Oil.


Peppermint Oil is known for its pain relieving properties due to the presence of Menthol. Peppermint Oil has a cooling effect which helps to reduce inflammation and discomfort. It antibacterial property fights off bacteria responsible for tooth decay and freshens up your breath.

How To Use

Take ¬Ω a glass of water and to it add 8 drops of Peppermint Oil and swish this mixture inside your mouth for 5 minutes. Be careful not to swallow this mixture.

Are There Any Side Effects

High dose can lead to burning mouth syndrome and mouth ulcers.

Why don't you check out Anveya Peppermint Essential Oil. It encourages living the good life by promoting the well-being of your skin, hair, body and home.


Peppermint Essential Oil
  • COLD & CONGESTION: used as a decongestant
  • HAIR & SCALP HEALTH: soothes the scalp, preventing dryness
  • Good source of Vitamin E Benefits for SKIN
  • A natural PAIN RELIEVER

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4. Tea Tree Essential Oil

Brief Description

Tea Tree Oil is extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, which is a native of Australia. It has got a woody, earthy, herbaceous and a camphorous fragrance which may not be liked by everyone. It blends well with cypress, bergamot, eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, pine, rose and rosemary oil.


Tea Tree Oil exhibits strong antiseptic property due to which it is very effective in treating cavities and tooth decay. It’s anti-inflammatory property helps to reduce swelling in gums and eases pain due to inflammation.

How To Use

Take a glass of water and add 8 drops each of clove oil, peppermint oil and tea tree oil and mix all the ingredients well and swish it around your mouth for few seconds, taking care not to swallow it. It is very effective for fighting against tooth cavities.

Are There Any Side Effects

Tea Tree Oil is generally considered safe for topical application, but when taken internally, high amount of it can cause swelling, irritation, unsteadiness and inability to walk.

Why don't you check out Anveya Tea Tree Oil? It combats bacteria and various other infections that causes ill health for your skin, hair, nails and overall wellbeing.


Tea Tree Oil
  • Works on ACNE, SCARS & PIGMENTATION due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Application in treating SKIN, NAIL & TOE INFECTIONS
  • Great for HAIR. Fights against DANDRUFF with its antifungal properties
  • Diffuse for fresh & CLEAN HOME

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5. Lavender Essential Oil

Lavender Essential Oil

Brief Description

Lavender Oil is extracted from the fresh flowers of Lavandula angustifolia. Lavender Oil has got a floral, refreshing and a balancing fragrance. Lavender Oil blends well with cedarwood, geranium, clary sage, pine and all citrus oils.


Lavender Oil exhibits antibacterial, analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory property due to which it is very effective in treat toothache.

How To Use

You can apply Lavender Oil directly on the affected area or dilute it with Coconut/Olive Oil.

Are There Any Side Effects

High dose of Lavender Oil can cause an allergic reaction.

Incase, you are looking for a good quality of Lavender Oil you can check out Lavender Oil from Anveya. This heady fragrance promotes better sleep and reduces fatigue. Widely used in cosmetics and perfumery, we recommend adding lavender oil to your skin and hair care regime.


Anveya Lavender Essential Oil
  • Its floral scent is great for RELAXATION & CALM SLEEP
  • Use for Healthy HAIR & DANDRUFF RELIEF
  • FACE CARE: Anti-inflammatory properties help Acne and Scars.
  • MASSAGE & AROMATHERAPY: natural soothing oil for mind and body

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6. Frankincense Essential Oil

Brief Description

Frankincense Oil is derived from the resin of Boswellia carteri tree of family Burseraceae. It has got a sweet, fruity and earthy aroma. It blends well with Lavender, Sandalwood, Cedarwood, Peppermint and Ylang Ylang Essential Oils.


Frankincense Oil has antibacterial and antifungal properties due to which it is very effective in fighting tooth decay. It anti-inflammatory property helps to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation of gums. It helps to relax the strained muscles, thus providing effective relief from toothache and improving oral health.

How To Use

Take 2 glass of hot water and to this add 2 drops each of tea tree oil and frankincense oil, 6 drops of chamomile oil. Mix well and use this mixture as a hot compress to treat widespread pain.

Are There Any Side Effects

Though Frankincense Oil is generally considered safe but undiluted Frankincense Oil is known to cause rashes and allergic reactions.

7. Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Eucalyptus Essential Oil

Brief Description

Eucalyptus Oil is extracted from the leaves of the Eucalyptus tree by the process of steam distillation. It has got a strong, minty fragrance similar to Vicks. It blends well with Lemon, Lemongrass, Thyme, Lavender.


Eucalyptus Oil is well known for its analgesic and property which helps to reduce pain. It also exhibits antimicrobial property due to which clove oil fights tooth infection and decay.

Also Read : Top 21 Uses and Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil

How To Use

Inhaling the aroma of eucalyptus oil is beneficial in relieving pain. You can use it in a diffuser.

Are There Any Side Effects

Undiluted Eucalyptus oil can cause a harmful reaction on your skin. Ingesting eucalyptus oil can lead to serious health conditions.

Eucalyptus essential oil has been used for generations to cure respiratory ailments and wounds. It is great to massage oil, and its aroma helps with focus and tackling exhaustion. We recommend adding Anveya Eucalyptus Oil to your skin, hair and health care.


Eucalyptus Oil
  • HAIR & SCALP Health
  • Helps to overcome ACNE & BLEMISHES
  • Use during COLD COUGH & SORE THROAT.
  • Antispasmodic and relieves STRAINED MUSCLES. 

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8.Ginger Essential Oil

Brief Description

Ginger Oil is extracted from the unpeeled and dried ground up root of Ginger plant. It has got a strong, spicy with a hint of Lemon and Pepper. It blends well with Bergamot, Sandalwood, Frankincense, Ylang-Ylang, Rose and Neroli Oil.


Ginger Oil has got antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties which help to treat toothache and gum diseases. Its antibacterial property helps to fight bacteria responsible for causing tooth decay.

How To Use

Take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil and add 5 drops of Ginger Oil to it and mix it well. Apply this mixture on the aching tooth and let it remain for 10 minutes and gargle with warm water. Repeat this process 3-4 times a day.

Are There Any Side Effects

Ginger Oil is highly potent and high doses of it can cause an allergic reaction.

9. Chamomile Essential Oil

Chamomile Essential Oil

Brief Description

Chamomile Oil is extracted from the flowers of the Chamomile plant. It has got an exotic, sweet and herbaceous fragrance which refreshes your mind. It blends well with Lavender, Rose, Geranium, Ylang-Ylang and all citrus oils.


Chamomile Oil is known for its cooling and relaxing effect. Its anti-inflammatory property helps to reduce gum inflammation and its antimicrobial property helps to fight infection and tooth decay.

How To Use

Take ¬Ω cup of water and to this add 3 drops of chamomile oil and 2 drops of peppermint oil. Mix well and you can use it as a mouthwash to fight dental problems.

Are There Any Side Effects

When taken in a large amount, Chamomile Oil can cause nausea, vomiting and drowsiness.

10. Bay Essential Oil

Brief Description

Bay Essential Oil is extracted from the leaves of Laurus nobilis by the process of steam distillation. It has got a warm, spicy and a sharp fragrance. It blends well with lavender, geranium, lemon, grapefruit and ylang-ylang.


Bay Oil is well known for its antiseptic and analgesic property due to which it effectively treats toothache. It also possesses astringent property, it prevents tooth decay and other gum problems.

How To Use

Take 1 glass of water and to it add 4 drops of Bay Oil and swish this mixture 3-4 times a day.

Are There Any Side Effects

Undiluted Bay Oil can cause skin irritation. As it highly potent, Bay Oil should be used in very minute quantity. Always remember that these essential oils should not be used to treat toothaches for kids as there are chances of swallowing it which can cause various health hazards in children.




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