Category_Personal Care>Oral & Dental Care>Home Remedies
Embarrassed By Bad Breath? Here’s How Clove Oil Can Help You
Have you often noticed people doing a breath check before meeting someone, or before walking into public? Well, fresh-smelling breath should be made a mandatory rule, if you ask us. You might be dr...
Category_Personal Care>Oral & Dental Care>Home Remedies
12 Effective Home Remedies For Wisdom Tooth Pain
Wisdom teeth start erupting in the back of the mouth. They are the third set from the twelve sets molars that appear in the human mouth. Wisdom tooth appears somewhere between the ages of 18 and 25...
Category_Health & Wellness
Oil Pulling - Benefits and How to Do
Going by the books, Oil Pulling is the method of swishing oil in the mouth for about half an hour to remove harmful microbes and promote dental hygiene. This method is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy, ...
Category_Personal Care>Oral & Dental Care>Home Remedies
15 Home Remedies For Dry Mouth That Actually Work
Dry mouth is also called as Xerostomia. If you have a dry mouth then your mouth doesn't produce the required amount of saliva to keep the mouth wet. Saliva is 98% water and contains electrolytes, m...
Category_Personal Care>Oral & Dental Care>Home Remedies
6 Easy & Effective Dental Care Tips
When it comes to making the first impression, our smile can be the game changer. And to get that impressive smile, a proper and regular dental care is needed. Dental care, however, does not only in...