Category_Health & Wellness
#WellnessWednesday Pilates: A Low-Impact Exercise Regime for the Mind and Body
Pilates is a very underrated form of exercise which is perfect for those who are not comfortable with heavy-duty cardio workout sessions. Not many are aware that pilates exercise is beneficial for ...

Category_Health & Wellness
#WellnessWednesday How to overcome body image issues: a soup for your self-esteem
Do you, too, experience a constant battle between the two ends of your brain? Do you, too, overthink every question, every remark, and situation you go through in your daily life? Are you always qu...

Category_Health & Wellness
A Guide to Accepting Skin Ageing: Tips to Age Beautifully
Did someone compliment your smile recently? Did you know that it can cause creases around the mouth? So, does that mean that you will stop smiling? Well, did you know that our myriad facial express...

Beauty & Personal Care
How Has The Pandemic Aged Your Skin? Know More About Quarantine Skincare
So, you've also been suffering from maskne, given up on your skincare routine, and don't care enough to shower daily? Well, we can relate! The new normal not only took a toll on our physical health...

Category_Health & Wellness>Health Problems>Stress & Anxiety
10 Effective Essential Oils For Depression
In this busy day to day life, we sometimes lose control over our emotions and curb towards anxiety. In the past, there was no proper awareness given about depression and anxiety but as our society ...

Category_Health & Wellness>Health Problems>Stress & Anxiety
10 Effective Essential Oils For Meditation
Why Use Essential Oils During Meditation?
Certain essential oils help to calm and relax your mind, helping you to remain focused and thus, facilitates meditation. These essential Oils help to gain ...

Category_Health & Wellness>Health Problems>Stress & Anxiety
How to Improve your Mood - Need to Know
Situations or events can happen in life that will lead us into feeling down and trodden. This negative feeling can be overwhelming and extremely depressing. It eventually becomes hard for us to mov...